You Are Truly Wonderful

You are the most wonderful person you will ever meet. There is not one person on this planet more worthy of your admiration than you. There is not one individual in this universe more worthy of your compassion than you. In fact, your ability to admire and feel compassion for others is merely a reflection of how wonderful you are.

You give yourself such a hard time, but the truth is that you are perfect right now. You always have been. In fact, it is your failure to see this perfection that is the source of all your problems. If only you would give yourself a break, if only you would lighten up on yourself, then you would begin to see the truth of who you are.

You are constantly trying to improve yourself so that you can be worthy of your own love but can’t you see that this is simply delusion? Rejecting yourself as you are right now doesn’t lead to love and acceptance, it just leads to further despair and alienation.

Your failure to appreciate your greatness means that when faced with loss and uncertainty, you can easily become overwhelmed by fear. This is because you don’t trust yourself. It is the price you pay for not seeing how wonderful you are. It means you face your terrors without the companionship of the ‘you’ that always has your back, the ‘you’ that has the ability to comfort you.

As you begin to realize how truly wonderful you are, you will experience an enormous sense of relief. Life will become easy. You will see that you no longer need to depend on teachers or teachings. You will no longer need life to be any particular way. You trust. Then you will be able to love without needing anything in return because you will already have everything you need because all you need is you.

“The one you are looking for is the one who is looking”

Francis of Assisi

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