What If Adam Chose to Eat the Fruit?

One of the founding myths of western culture is the idea of the fall. Adam ate the apple from the tree of knowledge that was forbidden to him. When he got caught, his first response was to blame Eve who in turn blamed the snake. I can’t help but think how different our journey as humans would have been if Adam had accepted responsibility for eating the apple without trying to shift the blame?

We identify with the ego identity, and this creates a split between us and the rest of life. Anything that doesn’t fit in with the ego’s rational is considered “other”. It then appears as if there are all these forces working against us. Our thoughts are against us, our feelings are against us, our body is against us, other people are against us, and the world is against us.  When do we run out of things to blame? What is left of ‘me’, when I run out of things to blame?

How different would life today be if it was based on the idea that Adam choose to eat the fruit. Despite it not making “rational’ sense, he just wanted to press that button. Sometimes you just do stuff despite the consequences, and this is how the greatest adventures begin. Choosing to go on such an adventure is very different experience than being driven by outside forces.

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