Old Man Muay Thai

Today I returned for another Muay Thai lesson. Although the training was tough it didn’t seem as bad as last week. Mind you, it took a couple of days last time for the soreness to really hit me. Maybe by Monday I’ll be driving my wife mad with complaints about my aches and pains. I don’t really care about this bit of discomfort – I know my body will adjust. The buzz I experience when the session is finished makes it all so worthwhile. I may have left it a bit late in life for a return to martial arts but old man Muay Thai is better than nothing.

Benefits of Muay Thai for Older People

It is still early days in my training, but I’m hoping that I can train my body to a new level of fitness. The last time I really worked hard at martial arts was back in my teens. I do not possess the same body as I did twenty five four years ago, but maybe I have other attributes that weren’t in my life back then. Adulthood had toughened me up and given me a new resolve and determination. If I train hard then perhaps the peak of my fitness is in my future and not just my past – maybe old man Muay Thai could in some ways be better than the younger version.

I know that there are other ways to train the body, but I’ve always been attracted to martial arts. I’ve no real interest in Muay Thai as a way to get rid of aggression. I don’t seem to suffer much of that these days – not that I was ever much of a fighter. I want to follow a physical discipline that can allow me to challenge my body. As they say in martial arts circles, the only person you need to beat is the person you were yesterday.

Spending time in the gym is causing memories from my teens to come back. I remember how important this all was to me back then, and how much I lost when I gave it up. People later said that martial arts was my first addiction, maybe they were right, it was certainly better than the addiction that replaced it anyway.

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