My First Trip to the Dentist in 12 Years

I’m a bit ashamed to say but I’ve only been to the dentist three times in adulthood. My last visit was 12 years ago to the dentistry school at St Barts in London. I broke a tooth on a particularly hard piece of wholegrain bread (this was during the midst of my alcohol addiction so the fact that I was eating such healthy food meant I was having a particularly good day; unfortunately the broken tooth was used as evidence to support my view that trying to live a healthy life was just a waste of time). A student gave me a temporary cap and told me to see a qualified dentist within six months to get the job done properly. I never went back.

Worrying About Rotten Teeth

In the 12 years since my last visit to the dentist I’ve wasted a lot of time worrying about my teeth. I brush them at least a couple of times a day, but I know that at least some input from a dentist is required. I had a bad experience with one of these professionals in my childhood and so I now fear them. Oa (my wife) finds it strange that I am a qualified nurse yet have this fear, but to me they are not the same thing. So I avoid going to the dentist and just live with the worry that my teeth may be rotten and about to fall out of my head at any second. I also keep remembering that sick joke about the guy who went to the dentist after many years. He is told that his teeth are fine but that he will need to have his gums removed.

Trip to the Dentist in Minburi

Yesterday in a fit of bravery I decided to go to the dentist in Minburi. I felt really nervous during the trip in the car and my wife thought this highly amusing. I almost lost my courage at the last minute. In a show of solidarity Oa decided to have her teeth checked as well; even though she didn’t really feel that they needed checking. They called her in first. I had to sit there with the noise of drilling and whatever else it is they do in there. I brought along my iPad for distraction, but I just couldn’t concentrate on anything. It felt like I was on the verge of a panic attack.

My turn came, and I was expecting the worst. They dentist had a good look and told me that I needed one filling and a good clean. I remember the last time I’d gone to a dentist they had said that my teeth were in remarkably good shape despite my aversion to dentistry. I didn’t expect for a similar outcome this time so it was a real result. The filling and cleaning involved minimal discomfort so I was an extremely happy customer. I also found it amusing that despite the fact that Oa has no aversion to dentists, and takes good care of her teeth, she needed four fillings.

I felt so pleased with myself that I decided to go right back into the dentist’s chair. They had a special offer on teeth whitening – only 2,900 THB (about 70 euro). The next forty five minutes were a bit uncomfortable. I had not done any research because it was a spur of the moment decision. I did not know that the procedure would increase the sensitivity of my teeth – at times it felt like the dentist was sticking something right in the nerve. To be honest the discomfort wasn’t that bad, and I’m really pleased with the results. My teeth look whiter than I ever remember them being. They are not quite celebrity white, but they will do for me.

Drinking Coffee through a Straw

The other thing that I didn’t realize with the teeth whitening procedure was that I would be expected to avoid coffee and tea for 2 weeks. I have been meaning to cut down my caffeine intake again, but sudden withdrawals do not suit me. Last time I went cold turkey on coffee the headaches were terrible. I did some research online and found that it would be possible for me to continue with my caffeine so long as I didn’t allow it to touch my teeth. So now I’m drinking these beverages via a straw.

I wasted so much time over the last 12 years worrying about my teeth. I should have just gone to the dentist ages ago. It really is such a relief to take care of these things rather than ignoring them.

6 Replies to “My First Trip to the Dentist in 12 Years”

  1. I know what you mean. I had a lapse of over a decade before going to the dentist and it was a pretty anxiety-filled hour. Luckily, like you it turned out that all I really needed was a really good cleaning, though it was embarrassing to see how much plaque had built up on my teeth. Since then, I go to the dentist twice a year.

    Teeth whitening was one of the better “health” decisions I have made recently. Its cheap, relatively easy, and the results are worth it. I drank both coffee and tea during and after my whitening procedures. I don’t think one cup of coffee or tea a day will hurt you. Its when people chug 10-12 cups of coffee or cranberry juice a day, then it will mar the whitening.

  2. hi paul

    like you i am in need of a trip to a dentist and i live close to min buri and wondered if you could forward me the address or phone number of the dentist you visited

    i too will pluck up the courage

    regards david

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