I Am Still Using My Standing Up Desk

The Front View of my Stand Up Desk

I originally posted my experiences with the stand up desk 15 months ago. With the exception of a few weeks when we were driven out of our home by floods I’ve kept on using it. I never bothered to purchase a proper stand up desk, but my makeshift approach continues to function perfectly for my needs. It may not look high tech, but it does the job. This has meant that the move from sitting down to standing up cost me nothing. In recent months I’ve also been using binaural beats to help increase my productivity, and this too has been a great help.

Continuing Health Benefits of Using the Stand up Desk

I don’t stand for all of the day, but I do stand for most of the day. One of the nice things about my low tech stand up desk is that it only takes me a couple of seconds to change back to the sitting position. I only have to remove a couple of the boxes and I’m good to go. I now stand for roughly seven of the hours each day when I would have been previously sitting.

It is difficult to judge exactly how much standing up is benefiting my health. It has become part of my normal routine, and so I take it for granted. It is only when I read back on how things were for me, when I sat down all day that the difference to my health is obvious. I no longer feel like I’m moving from one injury or illness to another, and my energy levels are up. I’m also confident that standing means that I’m burning more calories each day, but I don’t think the difference it makes to my weight is that earth shattering. I did worry that standing so much would lead to lasting negative side effects, but since the adjustment period I can’t say that I’ve noticed any problems. The only real negative outcome that I can think of is that I now find it much harder to sit down at the computer each day. This has been a problem when I needed to stay somewhere without the benefit of a standup desk.

Other People Report Negative Experiences with the Standing Up Desk

I’ve had a few reports from other people who tried the stand up desk and did not find that it suited them. This would seem to imply that it is not an option that is going to work for everyone. It is definitely something worth trying if people find that they have to spend an excessive amount of time sitting down. If they are like me they won’t regret the decision. I’m persuaded that the risks of excessive sitting are real, and it can shorten our lifespan. Sitting down all day did age me noticeably but this has now being reversed. The standing up desk offers an easy way to eradicate such risks.

2 Replies to “I Am Still Using My Standing Up Desk”

  1. Never thought about having standing desk! Thanks for the tip! Going to order a cheap one from some local furniture shop 🙂

    1. I hope it works out for you. It is probably best that you get something cheap until you’re sure that it is something you can use. I haven’t spent any money on my desk.

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