Sat Chit Ananda
The window in my office looks out unto a small artificial waterfall that is covered in plants. I spend a lot of time staring out at it. I feel lucky to live in such beautiful surroundings, but the thing that impresses me most is not so much the garden itself but that there is anything there at all. It is this (the experience itself) that fills me with joy and wonder.
The fact that we experience anything at all is astounding to me. Existence is a miracle that my mind can’t even begin to grasp, and yet in the past, I was so deluded that I believed I knew what I was and what life was. Talk about hubris! It was only when I recognized how incredible all of this is that I could finally escape the drudgery and drama created by my interpretations of what was happening.
The lasting peace and joy I was looking for could never come from the content of my experience – it only came from recognizing and appreciating the miracle of experience. Sat chit ananda is the bliss that comes from this recognition.
a.a has a success rate of 4 to 5 percent -are you aware that medical intervention is by far the best route- many are court mandated and many who view a.a as a social club watch the 13 nth. step. i believe it takes programs like yours to add to success